Belize Spring Break Day 4: 03/24

Today we split into two teams, one team stayed back and painted the interior of the church, while the other team went and did grocery distribution. The Church property has expanded in size recently and was in need of some new paint. Part of our fundraising went towards funding the paint purchases! After a messy morning of painting the team got to sit down at the church for some AMAZING Belizian food, prepared for us by the woman at the church and some ladies from the team who got to stay and learn how to cook with them!
In the afternoon, we hosted our first Vacation Bible school for the kids in the village, which was SO much fun. Savannah put together some lessons on Zacchaeus which is a beautiful story and reminder for us all of Christ's love for us. After the lesson we got to play all kinds of different games with the kids, football, soccer, kickball, and all the more.
At the end of the day, we gathered as a team and watched a beautiful sunset.